Rights of Human
Asian has been developed its Human Right Management policy, which will treat all employees with equal respect and dignity. Asian is one of the parties that signed an MOU with Thai’s government agencies committed that it will avoid illegal fishing, and purchasing, importing, exporting, transiting and distributing aquatic animals and related products obtained through illegal fishing and labor, and human trafficking. Moreover, Asian developed and actively activated its Anti-corruption Policy, including a whistle blow policy with measures to protect the complainant or the person reporting the information or giving the clue in the investigation.
Respect for Human Rights
Asian has launched and reviewed its human right policy periodically and ensure that the compensation and benefit will be pay equaly, regardless of race, nationality, gender, religion, etc.

Free of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated-IUU fishing and Human trafficking
Asian is one of the signatories of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with state agencies to fight against illegal fishing activities and deny procuring, importing, exporting, transiting, and distributing aquatic animals and products obtained from illegal fishing. The MOU is also extended to illegal labor and human trafficking. The Company and its subsidiaries will strictly comply with the agreement individually and jointly with other parties in order to maintain transparent operating standards, enable to examine all processes and attain sustainable fisheries.

Asian has an ideology to conduct business with integrity by adhering to social responsibility and all groups of stakeholders in accordance with good corporate governance principles, the company participated in the announcement of its intention to “Thai Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption”. It also has a policy of political neutrality. However, directors, executives or employees of the company have their individual right to participate in any political activities under the provisions of the constitution.

Whistle-blowing Policy
Asian provides chennels for all stakeholders, both inside and outside the organization, to notify or lodge complaints on any suspecious actions which might against the laws, regulations, company’s articles of association, polices, code of conduct, or good governance principles, including inaccurate financial reporting or a defective internal control system. Channels, methods, and procedures of complaints investigation has been set properly, including complainants and informants protection procedures.
Whistle-blowing Channels
- 1. Hot line (24 hours)
Tel : 095-372-0144 - 2. Company Secretary
Tel : 034-822700 ext 2844
Email : Asian-Secretary@asiansea.co.th
Mail : Asian Sea Corporation PLC.
55/2 Rama II Road, Bangkachao, Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 - 3. Internal Audit Office
Tel : 034-822700 ext 2421
Email : Asian-IA@asiansea.co.th
Mail : Asian Sea Corporation PLC.
55/2 Rama II Road, Bangkachao, Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 - 4. Chief Executive Officer
Tel : –
Email : Asian-Whistleblowing@asiansea.co.th
Mail : Asian Sea Corporation PLC.
55/2 Rama II Road, Bangkachao, Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 - 5. Audit Committee
Tel : –
Email : Asian-Audit@asiansea.co.th
Mail : Asian Sea Corporation PLC.
55/2 Rama II Road, Bangkachao, Muang, Samutsakorn 74000